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1. How did God make man?
Read: Genesis 2:7​
And the LORD God formed man of the __________ of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the __________ of life; and man became a living __________.
NOTE: First God formed the body of man from the dust of the ground. Second He gave the breath of life from Himself. The man became alive. He became a living soul. A living soul is a living man. A soul is a man, which consists of a body and breath. Soul = body + breath.
2. Can a soul die?
Read: Ezekiel 18:20​
The soul that sins, it shall __________ .
3. What happens to man when he dies?
Read: Ecclesiastes 12:7​
Then shall the dust return to the __________ as it was: and the spirit shall return unto __________ who gave it.
NOTE: The dust [the body] returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God who gave it. 'To return' means 'to come to a place it was before.'
4. What part of man was given and came from God?
Read: Genesis 2:7​
And the LORD God formed man of the __________ of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the __________ of life; and man became a living __________.
NOTE: The body was made of the dust of the ground [the earth]. The breath of life was given and came from God. 'The spirit that returns to God who gave it' in Ecclesiastes 12:7 is the same as 'the breath of life' in Genesis 2:7.
5. Where does the spirit dwell in man?
Read: Job 27:3 ​
The spirit of God is in my __________ .
NOTE: The spirit of a man is in his nostrils because it is his breath.​
6. What is death?
Read: James 2:26​
The __________ without the __________ is dead.
NOTE: Death is a body without spirit [breath of life]. The original word of death is 'nekros', which means 'without life [breath of life].'​
7. Where does the spirit go when man dies?
Read: Ecclesiastes 12:7​
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto __________ who gave it.
NOTE: The spirit returns to God who gave it.
What can the dead do?
Find the answer in STATE OF DEAD
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